The hofstede model

Power distance index (PDI)
 Estonia's score is 40 points , which suggests that  Estonians don't readily obey and respect people in authoritarian positions based merely on their rank and status as power-holders. On the other hand , Colombia has high score (67), that is, Colombian society Believe that inequalities  are simply a fact of life.

Individualism versus collectivism (IDV) 
Estonia is an individualist country with a score of 60 , they think that everyone should be allowed to do his/her own thing, reach new heights or even dig their own graves. Colombia is a Collectivist country with a score of 13, Colombian society think that Relationships are more important than attending to the task at hand, and when a group of people holds an opinion on an issue, they will be joined by all who feel part of that group.

Masculinity versus feminity (MAS)
Estonia is a feminist country with a lower score (30) , Estonian society is driven by modesty and fairness. Although Estonians communicate in a direct way, they do tend to shy away from conflicts. On the other hand, Colombia is a masculine country with a score of 64. Colombian society are competitive and status oriented.

Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI)
Both countries maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas.This is also reflected in religion, which is respected, followed by many and conservative.

Long term orientation versus short term orientation (LTO)
Colombian culture is classified as normative. People in such societies have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth. Colombians focus on achieving quick results and don't think in the Future. Estonian culture is pragmatic , this is that they have the ability to adapt traditions easily to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results.

Indulgence versus restraint (IND) 
Estonia with a score of 16 shows us that it culture is  very restraint in nature.  Because they don't put much emphasis on leisure time and control the gratification of their desires. In contrast , Colombia has a score of 83 , that is , Colombia is an indulgent country. Because  its society exhibits a willingness to realise their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun.
